Thursday 8 January 2015

The Elder Scrolls Conversion Project; Beast races

There are several races of beastfolk in the world of the Elder Scrolls, but the most common ones are the catfolk Khajiit and the lizardmen Argonian. Here are the statistics for them

The Khajiit

The humanoid catfolk race of Khajiit come from the lands of exotic Elsweyr. There are many "forms" of Khajiit, as their appearance and physical abilities are influenced by the the phase of the moons at their birth, most adventuring Khajiit are however of the forms Ohmes, Ohmes-raht, Suthay and Suthay-raht.
Khajiit are cunning and agile creatures, fully covered with fur and have sharp claws. They have manes, but they either shave it off, or wear it in braids. They also have long cat like tails. They are excellent thieves as they are naturally stealthy and possess darkvision. This, and their addiction to skooma often causes them to be on the wrong end of the law.

Khajiit Traits

Ability score increase: Your Intelligence increases by 2
Age: Khajiiti mature faster than humans, reaching adulthood in a few years, but they live equally long.
Alignment: Khajiiti appreciate freedom and they often have issues with law. They have strong inclinatons towards being chaotic.
Size: Khajiit are of varying sizes, but they are all Medium sized.
Speed: Khajiit walk on the balls of their feet instead their full soles, therefore becoming faster, but they cannot wear shoes and boots made for other races. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey
Naturally stealthy: All Khajiit possess some degree of stealthiness. You gain proficency in the Stealth skill.
Eyes of the Predator: Khajiit posses cat-like eyes, which unnerve most humanoids. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. 
Languages: Khajiiti speak, read and write Khajiit and Imperial.
Subraces: Khajiiti have four playable subraces. These are: Ohmes, Ohmes-raht, Suthay and Suthay-raht

Ohmes Traits

Ohmes are the least bestial of all the Khajiit forms, and the most accepted by other races. This is the reason why they often serve as ambassadors or traders.

Ability score increase: Your Agility and Personality both increase by 1.
Size: Ohmes are similar size to Bosmer, they are smaller and more delicate than other races, they are rarely over 5 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Lock picking claws: Your claws are small and thin, and you can use them to pick locks. Treat them as if they were thieves tools for the purpose of opening locks. You are considered proficient with them.

Ohmes-raht Traits

Ohmes-raht are larger, more powerful form of Ohmes. Unlike the rest of the Khajiit they walk on their whole soles, and they have slightly shorter tails. They are considered the most "human-like"

Ability score increase: Your Strength and Personality both increase by 1.
Size: Ohmes-raht have average builds, and their height is between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Walking on full soles: Your base walking speed is reduced to 30 feet, but you can wear normal footwear unlike the rest of the Khajiit.
Lock picking claws: Your claws are small and thin, and you can use them to pick locks. Treat them as if they were thieves tools for the purpose of opening locks. You are considered proficient with them.

Suthay Traits

Suthay are slightly more bestial than Ohmes and Ohmes-raht, and the most common breed along with Suthay-raht. Most of the Khajiit adventurers are either Suthay or Suthay-raht.

Ability score increase: Your Agility and Strength both increase by 1.
Size: Suthay are similar size to Bosmer, they are smaller and more delicate than other races, they are rarely over 5 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Claws of the Beast: Unlike the more humanlike Ohmes and Ohmes-raht, your claws are weapons and not tools. Your claws each deal 1d4 slashing damage and they are considered light weapons. You are proficient with your claws.

Suthay-raht Traits

Suthay-raht are almost identical to Suthay, but they are a bit larger, and stronger.

Ability score increase: Your Strength increases by 2.
Size: Suthay-raht have average builds, and their height is between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Claws of the Beast: Unlike the more humanlike Ohmes and Ohmes-raht, your claws are weapons and not tools. Your claws each deal 1d4 slashing damage and they are considered light weapons. You are proficient with your claws.

The Saxheel, or Argonians

Deep in the swamps of Black marsh, or Argonia, is the home of the Saxheel, a curious race of lizardmen. They are large ambhibian creatures with natural immunity against poison and resistance against diseases. The apparent lack of facial experssions makes them hated and shunned throughout the Empire.
They are agile and move fast. Their body is covered with scales, which most usually have greenish or brownish coloration, or darker. They have a long tail, which aids them in swimming.

Saxheel Traits

Ability score increase: Your Agility increases by 2, and your Willpower by 1.
Age: Argonians are hatched from eggs, and they mature faster than humans, but live equally long.
Alignment: Argonians don't have strong inclanations towards anything, they are usually neutral.
Size: Argonians have average builds, and their height is between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ambhibian: You can breathe underwater indefinitely, and you gain a swim speed of 40 feet.
Claws of the Beast: Argonians possess sharp claws. Your claws each deal 1d4 slashing damage and they are considered light weapons. You are proficient with your claws.
Poison and disease resistance: Your Argonian blood gives you resistance against all non-magical diseases and poisons. You are immune to non-magical diseases and the poisoned condition, and you are resistant to poison damage.
Armored scales: Argonians are covered with protective scales. When you aren't wearing any armor, your AC equals 13+ Dexterity modifier. 


  1. what do the Argonian's Agility and Willpower translate to? I'd imagine Dexterity and Wisdom

  2. will power would be constitution

    1. Constitution would be Endurance, in my eyes
